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Shining Light on javascript functions.
A Beginners guide to Vanilla JS (Plain JS) functions
What is a function?
Think of a function as a recipe, where you write steps to cook the best dish. If those steps are followed correctly then you nail the meal. For example, A meal for 5 requires more additional ingridients which means if you prepared a meal for 3 last time, you would use the same recipe but add additional quantities for the ingredients.
Technical Defination:
A function is a block or set of reusable code that is used to perform a given task.
Function Declaration (function defination or function statement)
/* Declare the function 'rectangle' */
function rectangle(length,width) {
return length* width;
Function name (optional) In the case where a name is not provided its called an anonymous function
/* Anonymous function */ function (length,width) { return length * width; }
- List of parameters separared by commas (parameters can be variables or objects)These are also optional
length, width
- Function body (also optional)
return length * width;
How are functions created?
a. Function Expressions - A javascript function can also be defined using an expression
const rectangle = function(length, width){
return length * width);}
b. IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) - This is a function that runs immediately it's defined.
(function (){
c. Conditionally created functions -
Functions declared inside an if statement
if (true) {
function a(){
return b;}
d. Hoisted functions - functions called before there declaration
function rectangle(length,width) {
return length* width;
Note: function expressions are not hoisted, only functions
e. Generator function - It is a function that can return multiple values one after another.
function from(start) {
return function () {
var next = start;
start += 1;
return next;
var generate = from(0);
f. Arrow function (=>) are an alternative to traditional functions apart from:
- It does not have its own bindings to
, and should not be used as methods. - Does not have
keyword. - Not suitable for
methods, which generally rely on establishing ascope
. see here - Can not be used as
. - Can not use
within its body. -Do not have 'arguments object'.
let message = {
name: "Marty",
regularFunction: function () {
console.log(this); /*this refers to the owner of the function that we are excecuting*/
console.log("Hello " +; /**output: Hello Marty*/
arrowFunction: () => console.log("Hello " +, /*this refers to the global window therefore '' returns 'undefined'*/
/**output: Hello */
message.regularFunction(); /*it looks for name in the function object and when it does find find it, it displays it as Marty which is in the function property*/
message.arrowFunction(); /*it looks for name in the window and when it does not find it, it does not display it as name is not part of window property*/
console.log(this); /*Window Object*/
Best useCase for arrow functions is
- setTimeout
- setInterval
- addEventListener
g. Function Constructor - these are functions created with the new
function fn (){
this.fname = value;
this.lname = value;
/*Now we create the function*/
let person = new fn();
h. Function Prototypes - This is a special object in which additional properties can be attached across all instances of it's constructor function
function Person(firstName, lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
let john = new Person('John', 'Doe', Person.prototype.age = 15);
In this Article, I have tried to exhaust the fundamentals of functions and how they are created. Learn more about functions from MDN Web Docs